Monday, May 31, 2010

First Week Home

We made it through the first week. It has been great to be back in "normal" surroundings and sleep in our own bed. This past week has been trying, but also rewarding. Shae still is having a hard time at night, but went to sleep last night without crying and slept through the night for the last two nights. (We hope this becomes the norm.) The two things that Shae was most excited about (pool and Roxy), she was the most afraid of. She has already conquered those fears this week, as she has been in the pool and has warmed up to Roxy quite a bit. The first picture is of Shae in our swimming pool for the first time. The second picture is of Jared reading "Llama, Llama Red Pajamma" to Shae (her favorite book) at bed time. The third picture is of Jared and Shae goofing around one evening. The fourth picture is of Jared and Shae playing with bubbles out by the pool with Karen one morning last week. The final picture is of Karen pushing Shae in a toy car in the backyard. We have seen drastic improvements during the day time, as Shae seems very comfortable in her surroundings. Her strong personality and sense of humor is coming out. Yesterday, both Jared and Shae were hanging on Karen in the pool and Shae leaned over and gave Jared a kiss. That seemed to make Jared feel good; he gave her a kiss on the forehead right back. We are slowly getting back into a routine, and this is good as Jared starts swim practice at 8:00am tomorrow morning!! Shae is a slow-riser, so this might be a challenge. :)


  1. Hi! It's so lovely to see Shae Rose melding in to her new family! I am blessed to have been working on her Starfish baby book (hope I am not giving away a secret!) I got to do her Gotcha Day picture page...didn't even need to do any journaling, the pictures said it all! :) I have my own precious treasure from China, but in size large! :) ShaoXi is 13, and heading into high school in the fall! WHEN did that happen? Where is my baby!?!? Soak up these precious days...they grow all too fast!

    Blessings...Nancy in CT

  2. Great pics! Home is so good, huh? I especially love the pic of Jared reading to her...precious!

  3. Oh, so good to see that you are home and she is getting adjusted slowly but surely. How precious that she leaned over and kissed her brother! We haven't gotten any kisses yet!

  4. Hi- i just happened upon your blog. I also foster a child at Fang Shan....since 2006. So as I was googling Fang Shan I found your blog and immediately recognized your dau. I adopted my older dau- Rou Rou from Living Hope in 2006 and traveled in 2007 for my second dau. HUi Hui. When I traveled in 2007 I visited Amanda at Starfish and volunteered for the day...and met all the babies.
    I met your daughter!
    I have a picture of her from Sept 2007. I can't find your email on your blog. I hope you get this so that I can send it to you.
    I travel for my son next Wed June 29. I will return to MI on July 18.

    Hope to hear from you!

  5. I was just checking in to see how y'all were doing. I hope the adjustment is going even better than expected now that you guys are home. She was sure blessed with a wonderful family ;)
