Friday, May 7, 2010

May 7, 2010

Title: We made it/ Sightseeing in Beijing

We made it to China safely! The whole process went smoother then I thought it would be but the flight from Newark to Beijing was long!!! Jared did the best of the three of us on the flight, we were proud of him for that. Once we landed and got to our hotel (King Wing Hot Spring Hotel). we went to dinner with another family that is adopting and our guide Lisa. There wasn't any forks so we all had to use chop sticks. and for Jared and I that was a challenge. This was Jared's first time using chop sticks (see picture) and he did a great job. We then went back to the hotel and crashed. Today was a day packed with sightseeing in Beijing. We went to the Tianan Men square, the Forbidden City,Temple of Heaven, shopping at the Pearl Market. and the Chaoyang Acrobat show. It was a very fun day experiencing another country's culture. It was amusing to see how the Chinese people responded to Jared; they usually stopped and pointed at his buzz cut and some even rubbed his head. One very old gentleman stopped,pointed at his hair, and stood there and chuckled. It really was sweet; they seemed to be taken by him. The pictures are of the Forbidden City and Jared with his new buddy, John, climbing a tree at the Temple of Heaven. Jared's and my favorite part was the Forbidden City, and while Karen enjoyed the sightseeing, her favorite was the company and conversation with Angie and Amy on the bus. That brings me to another point, the driving. There is no way I would last more than a day driving in Beijing. There are no rules and driving in a lane is an option. We really couldn't watch what was going on around us as it would stress us out. Well, that is about it for today. Tomorrow, we go to visit the Fangshan orphanage and the Great Wall.

1 comment:

  1. loved your pictures and your description of Beijing....SO TRUE!!!! I would die trying to drive in China. One short flight away from your little so exciting. Breathe in all of this, you will one day miss it. So happy for the three of you guys and looking forward to gotcha day posts!!
